Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula

A historical and cultural tribute

In the monumental landscape of the Iberian Peninsula, religious buildings are essential, an important element, both in rural and urban areas, and, among them, monasteries and convents occupy a privileged place.

This is the reason of the present work, which intends to make a homage to them in recognition of their historical and cultural importance, so diminishing the ignorance about their meaning for society. In the present work we will approach the monasteries spread all over the Iberian Peninsula area.


First volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume I

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

A CAÑIZA (Santa María de A Franqueira)
A CAPELA (San Juan de Caaveiro)
A CORUÑA (Las Bárbaras, Las Capuchinas, San Francisco, San Jorge, Santo Domingo)
A ESTRADA (San Jorge de Codeseda, San Pedro de Ancorados)
A GUARDA (San Benito)

Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol11 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula
Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol22 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula

Second volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume II

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

LARACHA (Los Agustinos, San Pedro de Soandres)
A PASTORIZA (Santa María de Bretoña)
A POBRA DE TRIVES (San Salvador de Sobrado)
AGOLADA (Santo André de Órrea)
ALLARIZ (San Martiño de Pazó, Santa Clara, Santa Mariña de Augas Santas)
ARES (Santa Catalina de Montefaro)
BAIONA (La Anunciación)
BANDE (Santa Comba de Bande)
BECERREÁ (Santa María de Penamaior)
BERGONDO (San Salvador de Bergondo)

Third volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume III

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

BETANZOS (Las Agustinas Recoletas, San Francisco, Santo Domingo)
BOQUEIXÓN (San Breixo de Donas, San Lourenzo de Montesacro, San Sebastián de O Pico Sacro)
BUEU (Santiago de Ermelo)
CALDAS DE REIS (Santa María de Caldas de Reis)
CAMBADOS (San Francisco de Cambados)
CAMBRE (Santa María de Cambre)
CARBALLEDO (San Xoán da Cova, Santo Estevo de Chouzán)
CASTRO CALDELAS (San Paio de Abeleda, San Xoán de Camba)
CASTROVERDE (San Salvador de Soutomerille, Santa María de Vilabade)
CEDEIRA (San Andrés de Teixido)

Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol31 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula
Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol41 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula

Fourth volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume IV

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

CELANOVA (San Salvador de Celanova)
CHANTADA (San Salvador de Asma)
COIRÓS (Santa Eulalia de A Espenuca)
COTOBADE (San Pedro Tenorio)
CUNTIS (San Benito, San Martiño, San Breixo de Arcos de Furcos, San Miguel de Couselo, Santa María de Termis)
(San Pedro de Vilanova)
(San Pedro de Rocas)
(Santa María de Aciveiro)
(San Martiño de Mondoñedo)
(Santa Baia de Donas)

Fifth volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume V

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

GUNTÍN (Santa María de Ferreira de Pallares)
LALÍN (San Martiño)
LEIRO (San Clodio de Leiro)
LOURENZÁ (San Salvador de Lourenzá)
LOUSAME (San Xusto de Toxosoutos)
LUGO (San Francisco, Santo Domingo, Santa María A Nova, San Miguel de Bacurín)
MARÍN (San Tomé de Piñeiro)
MEIRA (Santa María de Meira)
MEIS (Santa María de A Armenteira, Santa María de Nogueira)

Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol51 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula
Monasterios y conventos de la Peninsula iberica vol61 - Monasteries and Convents of the Iberian Peninsula

Sixth volume of the most thorough collection about monasteries and convents of the Iberian Peninsula.

Volume VI

This volume analyzes the following towns and monasteries:

MELIDE (Sancti Spiritus)
MELÓN (Santa María de Melón)
MONDOÑEDO (Las Concepcionistas, San Pedro de Alcántara,Os Picos o San Martiño de Vilaourente)
MONFERO (Santa María de Monfero)
MONFORTE DE LEMOS (Las Clarisas, Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, San Jacinto, San Pedro de Valverde, San Vicente do Pino)
MONTEDERRAMO (Santa María de Montederramo)
MONTERREI (Santa María de Mixós)
MUROS (San Francisco)

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