TEXT _ Clodio González Pérez, Salvador Joaquín Peña Díaz, Miguel Ángel González Rodríguez, Gema Marcote Carballo, Jesús Bernárdez Solla, Ana Martín García, Alfredo Mart ín García, Francisco Manuel López Martínez, José Manuel Abel Expósito, Santos San Cristóbal Sebast ián, Xosé Isidro Fernández Vilalba, Miguel Ángel González García, Enrique Barros Lucio, José Luis Agei tos Míguez, Modesto Luis Gómez Rodríguez, Ernesto Iglesias Almeida, Bernardo Vázquez Gil, Francisco Santomé Otero, Carlos Nuevo Cal, Diana Rodríguez Rodríguez, Ramón Pernas.
EDITION LANGUAGES: Spanish and Galician.
La Semana Santa en Galicia is a three volume work that compiles the essence of the Lent and Easter traditions still to be found in modern-day Galicia, reflecting their full cultural wealth. This second volume includes the following municipalities: FISTERRA, LUGO, MONDOÑEDO, OURENSE, PARADELA (MEIS, PONTEVEDRA).
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